Monday, March 22, 2010

GWOD 3/23

100 wall ball shots (20lb men/6-8lbs girls) FOR TIME!!!
* Stand close to wall, squat to parallel and toss ball against wall (repeat 100X)
* Ball should be tossed 3-5 ft above head
Modification: Use dumbells instead of medicine ball and overhead press instead of tossing.

Prayer: "Thank you so much father for sending your son Jesus to die for my sins! May you fill my body with the strength needed to push my mind, body, and spirit to the MAX. I love you and praise you. Amen"


  1. I finally made a blog!!! This took me 3 minutes and 15 secs. Not sure if it is any good, but I tried to bust butt. Thank you so much Brandon for taking the time to do this. It is so great and I love the concept! I hope everyone can take something good from this website!!

  2. Nice job girl!!! Good luck on finals and see you at the seminar!! God Bless
