Monday, April 5, 2010

GWOD 4/5

1) Leg Extensions 2X15
TRX hamstring hip-ups
30 sec rest
2) DB incline Press 2X15
TRX chest fly
30 sec rest
3) Machine Lat pulldown 2X15
TRX 1 arm row
30 sec rest
4) I's,Y's,T's 2X21
TRX tricep ext 2X20
TRX bicep curl 2X20
30 sec rest
100 reps of abs (3 planes)

Prayer: "Lord, we thank you once again for your son Jesus and for his resurrection. Give us the strength to start the quarter right by pushing hard in and out of the gym. These are not our bodies but yours, given to us to serve you!!! We love you so much. Amen."

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